We don't exclude from our Work members of other orders - it is not our purpose to hold anyone back in their personal ascent. We don't aspire to be another occult order jealously guarding their knowledge and putting up ridiculous hierarchies in order to protect the secrets of power. Our gates are open to all who wish to walk the Path of the Dragon and carry the Flame of Lucifer in order to illuminate the Way for others. Also, the Work of the Temple is not for those who expect guidance and teachings but are not willing to give the same in return. This is the Work that requires a lot of commitment, determination and self-discipline for long-term projects, on both basic and advanced levels.

We are not interested in dabblers either. Draconian Path is a dynamic process, based on movement and active pursuit of spiritual goals. However, passive members are not welcome. It is solely your decision to what extent you would like to get involved in the Work of the Temple.

It is both for newcomers who make their first steps on the Path of the Dragon and for experienced individuals who work to ascend and progress on Lucifer's Path of Self-Deification. Temple of Ascending Flame, founded by Asenath Mason and rooted in Poland, is a platform for individuals around the world who want to share certain aspects of their Work with Gnosis of the Draconian Current with other adepts of the Path and for those who simply need guidance into Draconian self-initiatory magic. Don't worry if you find the work a bit overwhelming at first, your mind will get adjusted to the flow of the Current and your psychic abilities will grow with time if you keep working on a regular basis.Īfter completion of the Introductory Course you will have access to all inner projects within the Temple. You can illuminate the Way for others only if you have progressed on it yourself. We all are "students" guided by Gods and the forces of the Current on our path of individual ascent, and we are all "teachers" to those who wish to follow our steps. Speak about them to show that you can share your work with others. Keep records of messages received through the work, if there are any. Write down your visions, thoughts, emotions, etc. Don't look for excuses to avoid active work. Find the time for your daily magical practice. What we expect to see is your genuine Desire to walk the Path and flow with the Current. In this case, even if you may still want to be initiated into the Current, this will not be done by the Temple. If none of the above is observed during your work with the course, we will not encourage you to take the Initiation and walk the Path. What is expected from your work with the initiatory material is not impressive results or elaborate descriptions of visions (this is welcome but not necessary) - it's your attitude, self-discipline, seriousness about the Work, determination, and devotion to your personal path of spiritual ascent. self-initiatory path through the Tree of Qliphoth, in-depth work with successive Qliphothic levels and their ruling Gods, magic of the Void, and exploration of the Tunnels of Set. After completion of this course and Initiation into Draconian Path, you are welcome to participate in our advanced Work, which is inspired by many sources and manifestations of the Draconian Tradition, and includes such projects as e.g. The new anthology by the Temple of Ascending Flame is out now! You'll find there several of my articles and artworks, alongside contributions by many other interesting authors.Initiatory Work within the Temple starts with the Introductory Course, which will guide you through foundations of Draconian magic and prepare for Initiation into Draconian Path and further initiatory work with the Draconian Current.